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Paperwork Reminders


Everyone's been great getting forms in quickly! But a couple reminders...

  1. Forms must be signed by show management before turning in. This is your responsibility to get before turning in. Please do not go back and ask the show to fill out for you what classes you did and where you placed.

  2. If you are mailing in, please keep a copy for your records. USPS isn't always reliable so if it's lost in the mail, you have a copy you can rely upon.

  3. Please fill out your forms in their entirety. We need the whole top part filled out by you. Specially your name, horses name, age division, disciplines, and the show info.

  4. It is your responsibility to print out your form and fill out. While I have had a couple handwritten forms turned in, please note going forward these will not be counted unless on the official Border Run Form. Have a couple extras printed out with you in case you spill, it blows away...etc.

You can always refer to our website for most of your questions. And also, the most current form to use is on there.


© 2020 -2025 Border Run Open Horse Show Round Up

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