Long Live the Open Shows!
Open horse show managers throughout southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois were brought together to fuel the engines of the Border Run Open Horse Show Round Up program. Giving them a forum to work together, learn, promote, and excel their open horse shows while keeping the open horse show exhibitor at the forefront. In addition, the program aims to keeping the flame lit for the open shows to survive and thrive.
The Border Run is a not-for-profit organization promoting national amateur sport competitions for equine. We are identified by the Department of Treasury Internal Revenue Service as Code (IRC) Section 501(c)(3) with the Public Charity Status of 509(a)(2).

Border Run does not manage horse shows, but supports the local open horse shows
and encourages participation, in an attempt to grow overall participation in the open horse
show community.
The Border Run looks to become a staple and highly regarded program within the open horse show community that heavily promotes, and champions open horse shows in addition to giving exhibitors the ability to be rewarded for their efforts.