Volunteerism is encouraged by the Border Run! We have a robust line up of shows and we would like to assist the respective shows by providing support and manpower. Your participation in the Volunteer Recognition Program is greatly appreciated! Volunteer participation is open to any individual of good character and reputation that has an interest in the promotion of the open show horse community. The process of this program is as follows:
The Volunteer contacts the show representative about volunteer opportunities or needs. This information can be found at the Border Run website https://borderrunhorse.wixsite.com/home , or FB page Border Run Challenge, or by contacting the show management directly.
Complete and send the Volunteer Point Form to the Border Run Point Coordinator designated on the form. The Volunteer Point Form must be signed and dated by the show secretary or manager. Only volunteer hours sent on the official point form will be counted. Forms must be legible and filled out completely.
One point per hour volunteered at the horse show will be awarded to the participant. This is a separate program from the Border Run Challenge.
The Volunteer Point Form must be received/postmarked within 30-days of the horse show.
Only volunteer points earned through enrolled Border Run horse shows during the designated show season (January through December) of the current year will be utilized to calculate points. Volunteer Recognition will be presented at the annual banquet.
Submitted Volunteer Point Forms with incomplete or inaccurate information will be declined. The Volunteer Point Form can be obtained on the Border Run website under information. No cap on the maximum number of volunteer points you can earn at a single show. Points are not carried over from year to year.
This is a volunteer program. If you are being paid or receive incentives/compensation for your time (except for meals/water), your time is not eligible for this program.