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Stephanie Lynn Clinic Update


Updated: Apr 8, 2022

A little bit of information for you for the clinic on April 10.

THE CLINIC Start time is 8:30 AM. Tentatively we will begin with showmanship. Do a tack change and move into equitation and then on to horsemanship. Lunch break will be determined the day of the event. Typically we go through showmanship and equitation and then break for lunch and end the day with horsemanship. EARLY ARRIVALS

If anyone is wanting to come in the day before with their horse for the clinic please reach out to Sunflower Barns of Bristol directly. I'm sure there will be questions for both parties and that can be answered between the two parties versus me being the middleman. There will be an additional stall fee of $45 for the second day. Sharri can be reached at 262-857-8555.

THE LAY OF THE LAND Please use the east entrance to the facility. You’ll see there is parking for the trailers and the auditors. MAP


19000 128th St

Bristol, WI 53104


ARRIVAL Gates will be open at 7 AM for horse/rider participants. LUNCH VOUCHERS Riders will need to pick up their lunch voucher. They will be available at the concession stand. SILENT AUCTION

We will be hosting a small fundraiser with some various silent auction items. DIRECTIONS From Chicago: Exit I-94 at Hwy 173. Turn left (West) for 4 miles to US-45. Turn right (North) for 2 miles to WG (also known as North Avenue or 128th St.) Turn left (West) for 1/4 mile to the main gate. From Milwaukee: Exit I-94 at Hwy C. Turn right (West) for 5 miles to US-45. Turn left (South) for 4 miles to WG (also known as North Avenue or 128th St.) Turn right (West) for 1/3 rd mile to the main gate. Any questions please feel free to ask. If I forgot anything I certainly will send out another message.

Look forward to having you all on Sunday!


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